November 2005 Demo tracks
Recorded at Premier Studio http://www.premierstudios.co.uk
Police Chief
Buffalo Sniper
Here are some (purposefully low-bitrate) MP3s for your aural bewilderment
"Recorded at Notepad, NW10 by Andy Parker.
Produced by Donald Ross Skinner.
All tunes conceived, devised & assembled by Wilson.
Tracks contain elements of everything."
Quality People
Istanbul Connection
Visitors' comments for this page
- Mr.K Balt, MD USA
16Mar2009 2:53 PM
(15 years 128 days ago)
Love the sound! Where can I buy it?! If you search iTunes store there is a band named Wilson, but they could not be any further from your music!
More!! Will Pay!!
- Erase-A-Sketch, Jaysusland, NC, USA
27Mar2008 4:54 AM
(16 years 117 days ago)
Involving, as they would, significantly less logistical complexity than transporting the band and its massive entourage into the sweetbreads of Amurrika, one wonders as to the impending (or even current) availability of sound recordings other than the four already posted. Even moving my own nasty carcass across the ocean winds up being a bit challenging in terms of [WHAT??] my currency.
More! More! More!
- Lovely Woodnymph, Oxford
19Jun2006 11:27 AM
(18 years 34 days ago)
More music! Post more MP3s!
Wilson audio rampage
- San Gabriel, CA
25Apr2004 10:46 PM
(20 years 89 days ago)
Has Wilson laid down any more tracks? Will we be seeing a Wilson CD anytime soon?
Looking forward to it.
leeds gig
- Glasgow, Scotland
16Apr2004 4:15 PM
(20 years 98 days ago)
last time we saw wilson was in leeds 2002. I live in Glasgow but am prepared to travel to leeds to see the band as that as is as far north you're prepared to go as it's as far north the dosh will take you! Fair enough but when are you going to play in the livingroom of a gig in headingly again. That was the best gig I had been to since the Glasgow Tech all those years ago in the late eighties anyway hope you can play in Leeds soon as I can always get digs at my sister's who lives at roundhay. By the way the last time I saw your band I was carrying my daughter I called her Adrienne, she keeps her big bro Vincent on his toes, she is a very strong individual who knows what she wants at 16 months.
When I listen to your band You make me feel like a teenager again.
Lynda Rice
You you will, son
- San Diego, CA
31Mar2004 3:20 PM
(20 years 114 days ago)
Please come play a club in my neighborhood.
Whom must I pay how much?
The cat shat on my hat...........twat
(Upsetter Revival)
- Shitsville UK
9Mar2004 7:17 AM
(20 years 136 days ago)
Hey, it won't let me listen! Why is that?
poor quality hash...lol
numbers number zeroes
- nn uno
18Oct2003 3:43 PM
(20 years 279 days ago)
the body,lmgdao....er....sshhh...the musics kinda er
yknow, ian man u still havnt learnt 2 sing prop-errr-
leeee (joking)...cse grade one too!! came across this
lookin 4 harold or ppickett or beach boyz or bob or peta
lol...everything u know about switzerland in 3 minutes
delia stylee...mr sullivans science class and lung
capacity...u got it!! .....cheeky fucker :-/
shNormal service
mr E
- The Heart Of Darkness
25Jul2003 2:16 AM
(20 years 364 days ago)
Normal service will be resumed just as soon as ...................................T warphole.
Da Bhouy dun goot ya
Howard the dolphin
- Npton
10May2003 1:07 AM
(21 years 75 days ago)
ick ick ick
ick ick
(I think he wants us to follow him)
lets see yer video
- Howard The Dolphin in Corby at the moment
15Apr2003 6:16 AM
(21 years 100 days ago)
I now have broadband.
You have no audio.
I'm going to buy a jeep.
Waiting anxiously.....
- Los Angeles, California
4Apr2003 10:54 AM
(21 years 111 days ago)
Audio would be lovely. Greatly looking forward to hearing some Wilson.
Be careful!