:: Nov5
Venue: Car repair garage two blocks from my house
Where: Northampton England
Sunday, Friday 5th, 2003
We have just acquired a gig at a party in a car repair garage two blocks
from my house. Tomorrow!
How local is that?
Headstone Says..
Well, nobody got arrested last night, and our comical home-made PA held up too. We ran everything (DAT machine; PA amp;
Mixing desk; Bass Amp; 2 Guitar amps; Curtis' Amp; Curtis' Air-FX; Curtis' Delay; Pat's Delay; Pat's tube-in-a-box) off
one power socket (now you couldn't do that in America, now could you?) Went down very well, all things considered. (Curtis
on ecstasy? Perish the very thought...) We played pretty early (about 9:15 to 10:00) so as to avoid too much neighourhood
grief, which did mean that a few of the hardcore only bowled up as we were dismantling our kit. Sorry about that...
Among the party-goers was Andy Skank, who is single-handedly turning the Labour Club into quite a happening place. As part
of his ongoing campaign to bring Groove to the Government, he offered us a couple of gigs there.
Visitors' comments for this page
- Johnny P
5Nov2003 3:40 PM
(20 years 261 days ago)
Alright you Wilsations
Wot no lights? BSP at The Soundhaus then Pat?
Easy you lot
Johnny P